Welcome to John R. Lewis Elementary School
At John R. Lewis Elementary School Y5-5 students and families can look forward to many exciting and engaging academic, as well as social-emotional learning, experiences! Our highly qualified staff holds high expectations for all students and works every day with enthusiasm and diligence to maintain a strong culture of learning that respects the dignity and uniqueness of all our students.
Contact Us
Alicia Curtis, Principal
Samantha Steelman, Administrative Assistant
Start Times
Dismissal - 3:31pm
Half Day Dismissal - 11:40am
John R. Lewis Office Hours on School Days - 7:45am - 4:15pm
John R. Lewis Bus Routes
Breakfast/Lunch Menus
John R Lewis Weekly Announcements
Good evening, John R. Lewis Vikings! This is Ms. Curtis with your weekly announcements.
Our student voice team wants to make sure the students of John R. Lewis feel extra special this Valentine's Day. Candygram forms have been sent home. If you would like to send a student or staff member a candygram, please fill out the attached card and send it in with your student. Each candygram is 1.00 and will be delivered on February 13th.
This month's parent engagement event will be held on February 12th from 9:45-1:00 pm. You are welcome to come in during this time and participate in a health and wellness event with our students. Please see the attached flyer for specific grade-level times. Everyone that attends will be entered to win Amazon gift cards!! This date is also count day! We will be doing a drawing for everyone that attends, for gift cards, a bicycle, and more! We can’t wait to see you all there!
This Friday, February 14th, there will be no school. There will also be no school on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents day. We hope you and your family enjoy your long weekend.
Have a great week, and Go Vikings!